IST - Integrated Software Tool Very useful tool for programmers and testers.
Create a software layers to test a C-API.
Manage test cases.
Check the software quality.
DOC - Documentation Extractor Extract documentation from source files and create a HTML files.
Some year before javadoc !!!.
Cmenu - shell menu Permit the generation of menus from the Unix-shell.
You can make simple the use of Unis system for novice.
Abc - Cobol Analyzer Analize and report the quality of a Cobol program.
Also put the results in a HTML file, for create a reference files of the project.
PLP - Pcl Laser Progam Generate a PCL-5 file for print on Laser Printer.
The input is a simple well-descripted file, generable as output from a user program.
SML - State Machine Language From a simple text file generate a comples source C files for manage a State Machine.
Some versions.
VM - Virtual Machine Virtual Machine for a generic processor.
COBPP - Cobol Preprocessor Preprocess any Cobol source and resolve the Copy.
RTA - Result Test Analyzer Analyze the results of a test cases.
CICS-AIX Aix: interface to CICS for non-Unix peoples.
The user can use a menu series for manage any operations on Cics.
SQL-AIX Aix: interface to SQL for non-Unix peoples.
The user can use a menu series for manage any operations on DB2 & Sql.
Btree - Balanced Tree A library to manage a btree-database (email me).
DES - Des Library Library to use DES cryptografy for security and autentication.
PROLIB - Prolog library Permit the use of Prolog clauses from a C program.
SS - Spreadsheet A simple spreadsheet library.