Esempio di Menu per gestione Aix

// aix.m
// sub definition

SUB SysAttr {
  lsattr -H -E -l sys0
  read A

SUB PredefDevice {
  echo "Elenco device predefiniti"
  lsdev -P -H | more
SUB SysConf {
  lscfg -v | more
SUB ListDisk (
  DEV=`lsdev -C -c disk | awk '{ print $1 }'`
  lsdev -C -c disk
  lsattr -H -l $DEV -E
  read A
SUB ListDiskette (
  DEV=`lsdev -C -c diskette | awk '{ print $1 }'`
  lsdev -C -c diskette
  lsattr -H -l $DEV -E
  read A
SUB ListTape (
  DEV=`lsdev -C -c tape | awk '{ print $1 }'`
  lsdev -C -c tape
  lsattr -H -l $DEV -E
  read A
SUB ListPrinter (
  DEV=`lsdev -C -c printer | awk '{ print $1 }'`
  lsdev -C -c printer
  lsattr -H -l $DEV -E
  read A
SUB ListCdrom {
  lsdev -C -c cdrom
  lsattr -H -l $DEV -E
  read A
SUB ListNetwork {
  lsdev -C -c if
    echo "--------------------- $i ---------------------"
    lsattr -H -l $i -E
  done | more
  read A
SUB ListSerial {
  lsdev -C -c tty
    echo "--------------------- $i ---------------------"
    lsattr -H -l $i -E
  done | more

SUB Traceroute {
  printf "Insert host to trace ? "; read H
  traceroute $H | more


// menu definition
  MENU   "General"          0 0 0 null     null
    ITEM "FileSystems"      null 
                            "View active filesystems"  
                            EXEC "df; read A"
    ITEM "SysAttribute"     null 
                            "Display attribute of the system"  
                            CALL SysAttr
    ITEM "PredefDevice"     null 
                            CALL PredefDevice
    ITEM "Shutdown"         null 
                            "Exec a shutdown of the system. You must be root."  
                            EXEC "shutdown +'1' 'system shutdown'"
    ITEM "Restart"          null 
                            "Exec a restart of the system. You must be root."  
                            EXEC "shutdown -r'' +'1' 'system shutdown'"
    ITEM "Quit"             null 
                            "Quit from the menu"  

  MENU   "Conf"             0 0 0  null     null
    ITEM "SysConf"          null 
                            CALL SysConf
    ITEM "PagingSpace"      null 
                            EXEC "lsps -a; read A"
    ITEM "Memory"           null 
                            "get real memory of the machine"  
                            EXEC "bootinfo -r; read A"
    ITEM "ListAdapters"     null 
                            "list adapter configurated"  
                            EXEC "lsdev -C -c adapter; read A"
    ITEM "ListDisk"         null 
                            "list disks."  
                            EXEC "lspv; read A"
    ITEM "ListTape"         null 
                            "list tapes."  
                            CALL ListTape
    ITEM "ListPrinter"      null 
                            "list printers."  
                            CALL ListPrinter
    ITEM "ListCdrom"        null 
                            CALL ListCdrom
    ITEM "ListDiskette"     null 
                            CALL ListDiskette
    ITEM "ListNetwork"      null 
                            CALL ListNetwork
    ITEM "ListSerial"       null 
                            CALL ListSerial

  MENU   "Files"            0 0 0  null     null
    ITEM "passwd"           null 
                            EXEC "vi /etc/passwd"
    ITEM "group"            null 
                            EXEC "vi /etc/group"
    ITEM "hosts"            null 
                            EXEC "vi /etc/hosts"
    ITEM "------------"     null " "  NULL
    ITEM "services"         null 
                            EXEC "vi /etc/services"
    ITEM "protocols"        null 
                            EXEC "vi /etc/protocols"
    ITEM "filesystems"      null 
                            EXEC "vi /etc/filesystems"
    ITEM "inittab"          null 
                            EXEC "vi /etc/inittab"
    ITEM "environment"      null 
                            EXEC "vi /etc/environment"
    ITEM "profile"          null 
                            EXEC "vi /etc/profile"
    ITEM "------------"     null " "  NULL
    ITEM "UUCP_Devices"     null "help"  
                            EXEC "vi /etc/uucp/Devices"
    ITEM "UUCP_Systems"     null "help"  
                            EXEC "vi /etc/uucp/Systems"
    ITEM "UUCP_Dialers"     null "help"  
                            EXEC "vi /etc/uucp/Dialers"
    ITEM "------------"     null " "  NULL
    ITEM "bootlog"          null "help"  
                            EXEC "alog -o -f '/var/adm/ras/bootlog'| more"
    ITEM "bosinst"          null "help"  
                            EXEC "alog -o -f '/var/adm/ras/bosinstlog'|more"
    ITEM "nim"              null "help"  
                            EXEC "alog -o -f '/var/adm/ras/nimlog'|more"
    ITEM "dumpsysp"         null "help"  
                            EXEC "alog -o -f '/var/adm/ras/dumpsymplog'|more"

  MENU   "Network"          0 0 0  null     null
    ITEM "hostname"         null "help"  
                            EXEC "hostname; read A"
    ITEM "Netstat"          null "help"  
                            EXEC "netstat | more"
    ITEM "Interface"        null "help"  
                            EXEC "netstat -i; read A"
    ITEM "RoutingTable"     null "help"  
                            EXEC "netstat -r; read A"
    ITEM "Statistics"       null "help"  
                            EXEC "netstat -s | more"
    ITEM "PacketCount"      null "help"  
                            EXEC "netstat -D | more"
    ITEM "traceroute"       null "help"  
                            CALL Traceroute
    ITEM "ifconfig"         null "help"  
                            EXEC "ifconfig en0; read A"

  MENU   "RC"               0 0 0  null     null
    ITEM "rc"               null "help"  
                            EXEC "vi /etc/rc"
    ITEM "net"              null "help"  
                            EXEC "vi /etc/"
    ITEM "tcpip"            null "help"  
                            EXEC "vi /etc/rc.tcpip"
    ITEM "bsdnet"           null "help"  
                            EXEC "vi /etc/rc.bsdnet"
    ITEM "net.serial"       null "help"  
                            EXEC "vi /etc/"
    ITEM "netware"          null "help"  
                            EXEC "vi /etc/rc.netware"
    ITEM "nfs"              null "help"  
                            EXEC "vi /etc/rc.nfs"

  MENU   "Monitors"         0 0 0  null     null
    ITEM "iostat_tty"       null "help"  EXEC "iostat -t 1"
    ITEM "iostat_disk"      null "help"  EXEC "iostat -d 1"
    ITEM "vmstat"           null "help"  EXEC "vmstat 1"
    ITEM "vmstat_fork"      null "help"  EXEC "vmstat -f"
    ITEM "vmstat_stats"     null "help"  EXEC "vmstat -s | more"
    ITEM "nfsstat"          null "help"  EXEC "nfsstat | more"

  MENU   "OtherMenus"0 0 0  null     null
    ITEM "Cics"             null 
                            "Active menu for manage cics"  
                            EXEC "cmenu -b /usr/local/menu/cics.m"
    ITEM "Db2"              null 
                            "Active menu for manage db2"  
                            EXEC "cmenu -b /usr/local/menu/db2.m"
    ITEM "Cobol"            null 
                            "Active menu for manage cobol"  
                            EXEC "cmenu -b /usr/local/menu/cobol.m"
    ITEM "Spool"            null 
                            "Active menu for manage spooler"  
                            EXEC "cmenu -b /usr/local/menu/spool.m"
    ITEM "FileSys"            null 
                            "Active menu for manage filesystems"  
                            EXEC "cmenu -b /usr/local/menu/filesys.m"

  MENU   ""            0 0 0  null     null

// SLEEP            1
RUNMENUBAR                1