Vi mini help

NOTA:	utilizzare il tasto ESC senza paura
			ricordarsi di premere ESC ad ogni chiusura di operazione di scrittura

operazione	tipo	comando	note	fine	ins
inserimento	char	i	inserisce dal carattere su cui e’ il cursore	ESC	*
	char	I	inserisce dall’inizio della linea	ESC	*
	line	o	inserisce una nuova linea al di sotto della corrente	ESC	*
	line	O	inserisce una nuova linea al di sopra della corrente	ESC	*
cancellazione	char	x	cancella il singolo carattere sotto il cursore
	line	dd	cancella la linea corrente
	char	D	cancella dal carattere sotto il cursore alla fine della linea
	word	dw	cancella dal cursore fino alla fine della parola
sovrascrittura	char	r	sovrascrive il singolo carattere sotto il cursore
	line	R	sovrascrive a partire dalla linea corrente	ESC	*
	word	cw	cambia dal cursore fino alla fine della parola	ESC	*
movimenti	next-pg	cntrl-F	avanza di una pagina
	prev-pg	cntrl-B	ritorna indietro di una pagina
	finefile	G	va alla fine del file
	iniziofile	1G	vai alla prima linea del file
	linea	G	vai alla  del file
varie		Cntr-g	display nome, n.linee,...
	linee	:set number	mostra le linee del file
uscita 	salvando	:wq
	abort	:q

Vi commands

... means that something needs to be specified before or after the command, as appropriate. 
This is normally a cursor movement keys (h,j,k,l,w,b, etc.) or a line number. # (where # is a number) following command n times... : go to ex-mode ) next sentence ( previous sentence } next paragraph { previous paragraph ]] next section [[ previous section 0 beginning of line $ end of line ^ first non-whitespace character + first character of next line - first character of previous line (spacebar) next character (return) next line / search forward ? search backward % find match of current parenthesis, brace, or bracket , reverse direction of last f, F, t, or T ; repeat last f, F, t, or T . repeat last command ` goto mark ' goto beginning of line with mark `` return to previous mark or location before a search '' go to start of line of previous mark or location before search ~ switch case of current character " store in register !! repeat last shell command ! send next to command, replace output (eg !}fmt passes the current paragraph to the command fmt, and replaces the output with whatever fmt returns.) >> shift paragraph one shiftwidth to the right << shift paragraph one shiftwidth to the left >% shift until matching (, [, or { to the right <% shift until matching (, [, or { to the left a append after the current location A append at the end of the line ^a unused b beginning of previous word B beginning of previous word, ignore punctuation ^b scroll back one screen c change until... C change to end of line ^c ends insert mode, unused in command mode d delete until... D delete to end of line ^d scroll down half a window, moves to previous shiftwidth in insert mode e end of word E end of word, ignore punctuation ^e scroll screen down one line f find... F find backward... ^f scroll forward one screen g unused G ...Goto [defaults to end of file] ^g show status line h left H first line on screen ^h backspace in insert mode, left in command mode i insert before current location I insert before first non-whitespace character on line ^i tab in insert, unused in command j down J join next line with current line ^j down in command, create newline in insert k up K unused ^k unused l right L last line on screen ^l redraw screen m mark position into register M middle of screen ^m carriage return n repeat last search N repeat last search, reverse direction ^n down in command o open line below current O open line above current ^o unused p put below current line P put above current line ^p up in command q unused Q quit and run ex ^q unused r replace current character R replace characters until insert mode is left ^r redraw screen in command mode s substitute S substitute entire line ^s unused t to... T backward to... ^t moves to next shiftwidth. u undo last change U undo changes to current line ^u scroll up half a window v unused V unused ^v unused w beginning of next word W beginning of next word, ignore punctuation ^w unused in command, in insert move back to beginning of previous word x delete current character X delete previous character ^x unused y yank... Y yank current line ^y scroll screen up one line z reposition screen around line (Return to top of screen, . to middle, - to bottom) ZZ write and quit ^z unused

Command mode input options ( : commands)

(Note: this is not a canonical list, just some of the more important ones.)

 :r       read  into current text
 :r !          read output from command  into current text
 :nr              read in at line number
 :!               run command, return
 :sh                    goto shell
 :so              read and execute commands from 
 :x                     write and quit
 :wq                    write and quit
 :l1,l2w  write between lines l1 and l2 to .  If 
                   is not specified, assume current.  If l1,l2 not
                   specified, assume entire file (making it :w)
 :w >&g;t         append to .  May use line numbers
 :w!                    overwrite current file
 :q                     quit
 :q!                    quit, forget changes
 :e               edit  without leaving vi
 :e!                    forget changes since last write
 :n                     edit next file
 :e +n    edit  at line n, if no end, assume end of file
 :n              specify  as new list of files to edit
 :e#                    edit alternate file (if :e  is used, alternate is
                   the original file)
 :args                  show files to be edited
 :rew                   rewind life of files to top
 :map m n               create a macro (make m do n)
 :map! m n              create an insert mode macro (make m do n)
 :unmap m               destroy macro m
 :unmap! m              destroy insert mode macro m
 :ab <1> <2>    abbreviate - replace <1> with <2> whenever typed as
                   a word
 :unab <1>              unabbreviate <1>

Set Options

The abbreviations in parenthesis may be used. Syntax:
