Curriculum vitae (english) My working curriculum vitae.
Curriculum vitae (italian) Il mio curriculum vitae lavorativo.
Annalisa My wife. Really dangerous. Manage with cure.
Pietro My first child. Born saturday, 22 November 1997 at 10:15 AM.
...is coming... My second child. Is a little boy. Prevision born 21 March 2000.
Parents My mother and father living in Venzone (UD).
Live here also the few relatives that I have.
Born I am born at Milan at the Clinica Mangiagalli.
Milano I have living in Milano from 0 to 34 years.
In the summer of 1992 go to Santo Domingo for a holiday...
...and here I encountered a nice girl of Verona.
Verona After the married I moved to Verona. into a small and nice village in the Valpolicella Valley: S.Peretto di Negrar.
Now ..and now I live in to S.Peretto di Negrar (VR).
I am very happy !!!
Soccer (calcio) My first sport. I like play and view it.
A.C. Milan is the team of my heart.
Tennis I only like play.
Astronomy I want make a telescope by hand.
Garden Is not really a hobby. I have a garden...is a freetime work !!!.